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Su-Per Bye Fly Natural

Su-Per Bye Fly Natural
128oz - Gallon
SKU : 5016G
Price: $89.95
Price: $89.95
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Shoo ‘Em Away Naturally!

  • For use on horses to repel stable flies, horn flies, house flies, face flies, horse flies, deer flies, mosquitoes, and gnats.
  • Available Size
    • 128oz

MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If you’re not happy with the results, return it for a full refund!

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*Manufacturer restricts additional discounts on this item unless explicitly specified.


SU-PER Bye Fly Natural was one of the first natural sprays on the market to combine Citronella with Lemongrass, Rosemary, Neem Oil, and Geraniol Oil. Its formulated with natural herbal extracts, not only to keep flies away, but also to deter mosquitoes, gnats, and other types of flying insects. It is also non-irritating, and can be left in place for extended periods, or used multiple times daily.

Active Ingredients

Citronella Oil (7%), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (2%), Geraniol Oil (1%), Lemongrass Oil (0.5%), Clove Leaf Oil (0.25%), Rosemary Oil (0.25%).

Inert Ingredients

Water, Glycerine, Sorbitol.

Directions for Use

Shake well before each use.
Apply by either soft cloth or fine mist spray.

As a Wipe-On

Brush animal to remove excess dirt and dust. Moisten a soft cloth (but do not wet to the point of dripping) and rub over the hair. It is best to apply by rubbing against the hair growth. Give special attention to the legs, shoulders, shanks, neck, and facial areas where most flies most often are seen. Only light application is required. Avoid using excessive amount on your horses. Do not wet the skin.

As a Spray

May be applied as fine mist spray to stable area and over and around stabled horses.


Take time to observe label directions. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place.

**Ingredients listed are for informational purposes only and are subject to change by the manufacturer. Always refer to the manufacturer and actual product label/inserts for current ingredients, recommended dosage, precautions, and warnings before use.
