Formula 707 Ulzerless (GastroMx) Provides natural support for the stomach lining to help maintain a healthy gastric system and support normal digestive function. This product is 100% GUARANTEED!*
No Irritating Sugars
Picky Eater Approved
Daily Use Recommended
Veterinarian Approved
Provides natural support for the stomach lining
Use to maintain a healthy gastric system and support normal digestive function
Horses that can’t graze at will continue to produce stomach acids even when there’s nothing to digest. This can lead to ulcerations of the stomach lining and poor appetite — not to mention diminished performance and meager general condition. Formula 707 UlzerLESS is an effective combination of ingredients to aid digestions and mitigate the effects of acid on the stomach lining. Check out the success stories, then try it and see the difference for yourself.
Every hour, the parietal cells lining a horse’s stomach secrete more than six cups of concentrated acid — it’s part of the digestive processes of an animal meant to graze all day and all night. When horses can’t graze at will — and many horses can’t — the acid production in their stomach doesn’t stop. Particularly for horses in high-stress training and performance situations, high-energy feed is quickly consumed and quickly digested, which means that, long after the stomach has emptied, the acid continues to flow.